

Janokuchi Waterfall | 蛇ノ口滝

Only 4km away from Yakushima Senvus Village, you can find Onoaida Onsen and the entrance to the Janokuchi Waterfall hiking course. 
「屋久島センバスビレッジ」から4 キロほどのところに、「尾之間温泉」と、「蛇ノ口滝ハイキングコース」の登山口があります。
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The Janokuchi Waterfall hiking course takes you through a lush forest with subtropical plants and moss-covered rocks until the Janokuchi Waterfall, which falls from a 30-meter tall granite rock into a beautiful basin.
 「蛇ノ口滝ハイキングコース」は、生い茂る亜熱帯植物と苔むす岩の森を抜け、高さ30 メートルの花崗岩から美しい滝つぼに落ちる「蛇ノ口の滝」まで続きます。
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The trail takes around 5 hours to go and back, and if you are lucky you might even see some monkeys and deer along the way. 
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Once back at the entrance, we can relax after a tiresome hike at Onoaida Onsen. ^^ 